Saturday, September 25, 2010

Word Walls....For Looks or for Learning?

During a time of reflection with some colleagues, "word walls" entered into our discussion.
Are word walls just for
1) looks
2) to be "checked off" the administrative walk-through list?
3) Just for K-2 classrooms?
4) Just used in reading classrooms?

"Years ago, a teacher reflected...our school system shared ideas often about creative ways to use the word walls with our students. Any thoughts?" None came to mind. Finally...though it was after 3pm and our brains were tired a thought sparked....sounds so simple...but WOW....that sounds like a great idea....and easy too! We often wonder, if anything is easy in teaching anymore? The sparked idea was.....BINGO.... "students, get out a sheet of paper and make a
__ x __ grid (math! - could be any size grid depending on the number of words currently on your word wall) on your paper (of course the teacher is modeling for students on the board or smartboard) we are going to play word wall bingo! You will use Xs for your markers."

Some of you may be laughing and thinking, "I've been playing word wall BINGO with my students for years." If so...we are glad you are reading this post and would like to ask you to share more creative ways to use word walls in all classrooms (K-5). Please post your comments below! Happy Blogging!

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